Thursday, January 23, 2014

PA - Outdoors: Northern bobwhite is a rare sight

By Bob Marchio

For The Evening Sun

The Northern bobwhite, a bird of open woods and fields, has been part of an ongoing study by the Pennsylvania Game Commission and various partners. The detailed Pennsylvania Breeding Bird Atlas of 2012 determined the bird was confirmed to be breeding in only 18 of the more than 4,000 state areas surveyed. A PGC population study is expected to be completed this summer.

Bobwhite is a species of greatest concern in the state's wildlife action plan. The Northern Bobwhite Conservation Initiative, a Tennessee-based consortium of state agencies, conservation groups and hunters, dedicated to saving the bobwhite, says the bobwhite could be in danger of being extirpated as a wild breeding species.

Personally, I have witnessed the birds in the wild only twice.

Nebraska Habitat Meeting to Take Place in Kearney - Feb 8 2014 - Quail and Pheasant

The annual Nebraska State Habitat Meeting will be taking place in Kearney this year on Feb. 8 at the Ramada Inn.

The meeting is open to the public and according to the Pheasants Forever website, could be of interest to members of Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever, chapter officers, landowners,
resource professionals, wildlife professionals and enthusiasts, as well as students.

The event, hosted by Pheasants Forever, Quail Forever and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, will include 27 presentations on wildlife, wildlife habitat and education.

The meeting will feature a Landowner Help Desk where biologists from Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever will be available to discuss how to improve your land for habitat.

Registration is $40 per person and includes lunch provided by Skeeter Barnes.

For more information or to register, go online at or call Pam Grossart at 308-850-8395.

Friday, January 3, 2014

GA Quail numbers are up as much as 15 percent over the previous season

By Jimmy Jacobs

The Georgia Department of Natural Resources forecast for bobwhite quail hunting this season offers wingshooters a ray of hope after a number of gloomy years. Quail numbers are up as much as 15 percent over the previous season in portions of Georgia.

The quail season opened statewide in mid-November and runs through the end of February.