Sunday, November 30, 2014

Oklahoma quail hunting has been excellent - 2014

While the early season quail hunting has been excellent, hunters can expect the pheasant hunting to be about the same as last year, which is not very good.

Oklahoma’s two-month pheasant season opens Monday, but the ringneck population hasn’t rebounded as well as the bobwhite quail.
While the early season quail hunting has been excellent, hunters can expect the pheasant hunting to be about the same as last year, which is not very good.

The quail hunters in northwest Oklahoma have been flushing a few roosters but it’s been spotty, said Scott Cox, upland game bird biologist for the Oklahoma Department of Wildife Conservation.
“I am pretty sure there are going to be a few more birds than last year,” said Scott Cox, upland game bird biologist for the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. “It (the population) can’t do nothing but go up since we bottomed out because of the drought.

Friday, November 28, 2014

TX Quail population bouncing back this season


For those brave souls tough enough to bust through cactus and scamper up rock-strewn inclines that would wear out a goat, scaled quail are providing high-quality hunting here this year.

“It’s the best hunting we’ve seen in years,” said Mac Stringfellow, who was serving as host to members of the Sportsman Club of San Antonio hunting on his 13,500-acre West Texas ranch.
“We had some good rain just at the right time and the birds have really rebounded.”

What he failed to mention was that even with hunters busting 10-12 coveys each morning and afternoon, a lot of cactus-dodging and rock-hopping was required to get a decent shot at the fleet-footed birds commonly called “blues.”