Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum to host quail hunt, dinner

The author Ernest Hemingway was a regular visitor of his in-laws, the Pfeiffers of Piggott, while he was married to their daughter Pauline.

One of his favorite pastimes during those trips to Northeast Arkansas was hunting quail on Crowley’s Ridge.

On Saturday, March 4, the Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum will celebrate the author’s legacy with a bird hunt and dinner.

The hunt will begin at 8:30 a.m. at Liberty Hill Outfitters in Rector. Hunters will enjoy a half-day of continental-style bird hunting, followed by a quail dinner. The museum will offer free tours following the dinner.

The cost of the package is $500. Reservations can be made by contacting the museum at 870-598-3487 or HPMEC Director Dr. Adam Long at

First National Bank-Piggott, Glaub Farm Management, Olympus Construction, and Piggott State Bank are sponsoring the event.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

How to get your land quail-ready

Quail is ever-popular as a social hunting sport, and more folks are trying to get involved with getting quail on their property. This has led me to an article by Robert DeWitt, who’s spoken to Ted DeVos, co-owner of Bach and DeVos Forestry and Wildlife Services. The man knows his stuff, especially when it comes to getting land turned into a paradise for quail. I’ll throw down some basic notes from his article.

DeVos has done a lot of research and homework on the rehabilitation of property into something quail can live off of, and of course, getting your land quail ready can be no mean feat. He recommends starting with a pine plantation, and at least 250 acres of it. Anything over a 1,000 acres would have the best results. The reasons he likes pine are multifold. For starters, pine trees are upland trees, and quail are upland birds. Pines also let a lot more light reach the ground underneath them, and they are fairly resistant to burning. These two conditions are ideal for a suitable quail habitat, as proper quail habitat does need controlled burns.

DeVos figures the best density we’ve been able to achieve in Alabama is roughly one bird per acre, and that’s typically on plots where the ideal habitat is over 1,000 acres total. Some spots in South Georgia are encompassing over 300,000 contiguous acres of managed quail habitat, which we don’t have here in Alabama. If you can get your density to 100 pines per acre, that is pretty close to where you want to be. Along with regular controlled burns and removal of invasive plants, those pines will be a mainstay in quail habitat.

Read the rest of the MontgomryAdvertiser article

Monday, February 20, 2017

Mississippi Quail Mgmt Workshop 3/3/17

Quail Mgmt Workshop

Friday, March 03, 2017   9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Location:  Alcorn County MSU Extension Office, 2200 Levee Road, Corinth, MS 38834

County:  Alcorn

For more information please contact  Patrick Poindexter at  662-286-7755.

The "Wild Turkey & Bobwhite Quail  Management Workshop" is presented by the Mississippi University Extension Service and Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks.

This workshop will cover

Turkey and quail biology and ecology
Field and forest management practices
Food plot strategies to attract turkeys
Predators and predator management
Predator-trapping demonstrations
Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. The event will be from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. on Friday, March 3. There will be a $15 fee to attend which will include snacks, lunch, and other materials.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Chasing Quail in West Texas From Rolling Plains Quail Research Center - Quail Hunt Video

From the Rolling Plains Quail Research center we join Dr Dale Rollins one of the nations leading experts when it comes to quail and several outdoors writers who have come together talk bout quail research as well as various products that quail hunters use.